Seminar Aims
- Overall understanding of Management decision-making Process
- Business Planning Process
- Demystify Planning and Business Jargons & Terminologies.
Who Should Attend?
Managers, owner managers, head of departments and any one involved in decision-making and strategic direction of their business and organisations. This session help you to grow your business and increase your profit through sound decision-making and planning.
- Decision-making Process
- Decision-making Tools and Techniques
- What is a Business Plan?
- Why prepare a Business Plan?
- Different Types of Business Plan
- Benefits of Planning
- Understand Business Terminologies
- Business Planning Process
- Contents of a business Plan
Personal Action Plan
- To Do List
- Reminder List
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the day participants should be able to:
- Appreciate the benefits of Business Planning
- Appreciate the Business Planning as a powerful decision making mechanism
- Understand the Business Planning Process
All the sessions are highly inter-active and will be carried out by formal class presentations, group activities, course material, teaching aids and handouts. Further references and reading lists and sources of further help and advice will be given at the end of each session